As a digital marketing agency owner, you have a lot on your plate. You need to land clients, deliver results, provide a great service, and retain them. Then you have to get systems, procedures, and a team in place. There’s no question to grow and scale you need to outsource. But what’s the first thing you want to outsource? When do you do it?

Remove Yourself from…

I think the first thing you need to remove yourself from is operations and fulfillment.

Building the websites, writing the content, and driving traffic are mission-critical to what you do for your clients. It should be your key focus—but that doesn’t mean you should be the one doing the work.

Sales + Business Development

You need to focus on sales and business development. Your business will thrive when you’re doing this. If you let yourself get sucked into operations, you’ll never have time to grow and scale. As Plumber & HVAC SEO grew from startup to $20,000, the first thing we did was remove ourselves from operations.

How to Choose the Right Person

If you choose the wrong person to take over operations, the ball can get dropped. Things may not be executed, or they are but are done poorly. When you remove yourself from operations, you have to make sure that you find somebody that has a high-follow-through type of mentality. An easy way to determine if they fit that mold is using the Kolbe Index. Getting this type of person will let you focus on sales and business development.

Resources Mentioned

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Hey, on this video, I want to talk a little bit about the first thing you want to outsource or kind of subcontract in your digital marketing agency.

As you grow as you scale, you start to think about the things you need to do to be successful, right? You have to learn clients, you have to deliver results, you have to retain the clients you have and provide them great service. And then you have to think about scale, putting systems procedures team in place.

The question is, what do you do first, and at what point, I really want to encourage you, the very first thing you want to remove yourself from in your agency is operations and fulfillment, right? Yes, that’s mission critical to what you do, making the websites writing the content, getting the client ranked, driving the traffic, making it rain for the clients. And yes, that should be a key focus for you. That doesn’t mean you should be the one doing that work, right?

As an entrepreneur, as somebody running a digital marketing agency, the main thing you need to be focused on really is sales and business development, that should be your number one priority, because the only way the business is going to succeed. The only way that it’s going to thrive is if you’re doing that sales and business development work. And the fact is, if you let yourself get sucked into operations, the doing of the work, you’ll never have time to grow, you’ll never have time to scale.

I just want to give you a couple tips on this because as we grew me and Dean at plumbing and HVAC SEO, we kind of grew ourselves from start up to about $20,000. In monthly recurring revenue, the very first thing we did was removed ourselves from operation.

Now I’ve seen a lot of agencies try and remove themselves from operations, put someone in place, and then that person doesn’t do a good job or the balls get dropped, the work doesn’t get executed exactly the way you want it to. I’m sure you’ve probably experienced this. Make sure that as you remove yourself from that, that you find somebody that is a high follow through high fact find type of mentality. There’s a great test called Colby that will help you identify whether someone is a high follow through person. That’s who you want to put in place to help take over the day to day operations to doing of the work and ultimately the sub-contracting of the work within your business so you can focus where your attention should be, which is on sales and business development.

Hope this was helpful. If you have any follow up questions or thoughts on this post in the comments. I look forward to talking with you soon.

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