Why is it important to Reduce Client Churn and Improve Retention?

When it comes to client retention, it’s important to stay ahead of clients. One of the ways that have proven to be effective is by keeping a consistent pulse on client satisfaction throughout their journey with us in our agencies.

In this video, I discuss the Traffic Light System from my book “The Client Retention Handbook”. This process will help you and your agency’s team develop a birdseye view of each of your clients to reduce churn and improve client retention by identifying any issues that may be occurring and taking action to correct the course.

Outline of This Episode

  • [2:28] 5 key principles to get in place
  • [6:05] What should you track consistently?

5 key principles to get in place

If you have a lot of clients, you might not know who you’re crushing it for and which are unhappy. But, if you have a tracking system in place, you’ll know who will create testimonial videos and promote you. You’ll also be aware of those who aren’t getting the results they want and need extra attention. There are 5 key principles you need to track:

  1. Measure what matters: Is the client saying good or bad things? Are they getting tangible results?
  2. Keep a birds-eye pulse: As the owner, you can’t meet with every client every month. But you do need to be able to get a snapshot of the general satisfaction level within the business.
  3. Get ahead of the issues: Once you start tracking client happiness, you need a process in place to fix whatever the issue is so you can turn things around before they leave.
  4. Prioritize the most in need: All clients need to be served in a great way. But there will be some clients who need extra attention. Get all hands on deck to move those clients forward.
  5. Take weekly action: You need to review your clients weekly and figure out who is at risk. Then decide what action to take to turn things around.

Doing this will drive better results, retention, and profitability within your agency.

What should you track consistently?

Create a spreadsheet somewhere (Google sheet, Trello, ClickUp™, etc.) that includes your entire client list. Then, split them into green, yellow, and red columns.

  • Green clients: Green means that they’re happy, said something positive, and are getting great results.
  • Yellow clients: These are the clients that are happy but not getting the results they need. Or, they’re unhappy with specific results they aren’t seeing.
  • Red clients: These are the clients who aren’t getting rankings or the leads they need to see a return on their investment. They’re thinking about leaving.

Once you have this visual in place, you can sort them weekly and take action. Reach out to the green clients and ask them for testimonials, case studies, or referrals. Reconnect with the yellow clients and have a conversation and get them excited and engaged. Prioritize connecting with the reds to move them back to yellow/green.

This process will help you change outcomes in your agency. It will transform your retention AND your reputation in the industry.

Have questions? Let me know!

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