The next 3 weeks are PRIME TIME for your Agency! Your prospects are making big decisions about who they want to align with for their 2019 Internet Marketing needs.

The time for planning, journaling & prepping is passed. Now is the time for ACTION.

  • Come up with strategic reasons to email your prospect database at least 2-3X per week over the next few weeks
  • Run a training webinar about their 2019 Internet Marketing Plan & how to get their best results ever
  • Record a few screen share videos with cool tips that you can blast out
  • Send a few SPEARs (Simple, Personal, Expecting A Response)
  • Personally CALL & eMail everyone that was in your pipeline last year (they scheduled a meeting, requested an appointment, expressed some type of interest) and see if you can re-engage
  • Shoot customer LOOM videos for the ones that you thought you were going to get but didn’t. (Just show them their website, where they are not ranking and why you think you can help them get better results in 2019.
  • Keep your cold outreach engine running

Whatever you do…don’t sit on your hands this week. Get busy, create opportunity & let’s build the momentum that will drive the entire year!